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UNAOC and Turkish Airlines Announce the 10 Recipients of the ‘Sport for One Humanity’ initiative at a Ceremony in Fez, Morocco
Ten grassroots sports-based projects have been selected as the recipients of the ‘Sport for One Humanity’ initiative established by Turkish Airlines and supported by the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC). The announcement was made during a ceremony on the sidelines of the 9th UNAOC Global Forum held in Fez, Kingdom of Morocco.
The event brought together influencers in sport, private sector, and civil society with the aim to increase visibility of the ten grassroots organizations and raise awareness about the Sport for One Humanity initiative. The High Representative for UNAOC, and former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Spain, H.E. Mr. Miguel Ángel Moratinos, and Mr. Rafet Özgür, Senior Vice-President of Communications at Turkish Airlines, were among the senior representatives who attended the Sport for One Humanity ceremony.